IP online seminar: IP for You

Publiceret 15-08-2022

EUIPO og Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen inviterer til gratis online seminar om EU-varemærkepraksis. Seminaret er målrettet IP-professionelle og foregår på engelsk.




Practical information

Date: 14 September 2022

Time: 09:30 - 12:15

Form: Online

Price: Free of charge

Sign up


09:30 Introduction and welcome

09:45 Opposition decisions based on all grounds (8(1)(b) likelihood of confusion, 8(5) reputation, etc.) and proof of use

10:35 Absolute Grounds (incl. Art 7.3 EUTMR, acquired distinctiveness) 

11:20 Examination of Registered Community Designs in the EUIPO; How does this work? 

12:00 SME fund and what’s new at EUIPO

12:15 End of seminar

Cristina Pastor Lledó
Customer Support Service
European Union Intellectual Property Office

Tel. +34 965 139 518